“Audah Danielle is a well of abundance. She is full of a level of calm and gentleness to which even the most guarded or restless heart observes in awe. She is a pioneering expert in the most fragile of theaters. Her authority in this difficult field is simply demonstrated by results. She stepped in when ALS had us all at our wits end in terms of the suffering & antagonism the disease waged on my father. Following the first session, my father was more at ease; accepting the storm around him, and he even took a nap afterwards (a real feat, let me tell you). The immediate connection Audah Danielle established with my father (and myself) was genuine, human, and acutely in tune. I saw bliss on my father's face, fully-present, when all senses fired off otherwise. Audah Danielle understands the essential power of letting go. Once my dad passed, I hired her to come work with mom. She is not only practically qualified, but went beyond the call; bridging the gap often left open between the physical, mental, and spiritual self. I am grateful for her, because she gifted a level of dignity to my father's death that we tend to lose sight of in the darkest of moments.”
-Jes Elliott